Monday, March 25, 2019

Good Afternoon Everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful and restful March Break. Tomorrow is Day 3. Tuesday and Wednesday is the bake sale, so bring in your money to enjoy some tasty treats. On Wednesday we will be going to Toronto to visit the Ontario Legislative Assembly. On Thursday is our casual day, so students can come to school in casual clothes. Lastly, on Friday Term 2 Report Cards will be sent home.

Friday, March 29th is the deadline to hand in permission forms and waivers for our upcoming rock climbing trip.

If you would like to order hot lunch, please order before Wednesday March 27th at 3pm as the website will close and not reopen.

It is that time of year again.. a week packed of fun and exciting things... SPRING FUNDRAISER! Forms were sent home today. If you wish to participate in our themed days then please fill out the colour form and return to school Thursday, March 28th. Additionally, if you collect $40 from friends and family members you can attend our field trip to Scooter's to go roller skating, which will be held on April 12! ALL MONEY AND FORMS ARE DUE Thursday, March 28th!

Monday: Neon/ 80's Day
Tuesday: Popcorn Day                
Wednesday: Ice-cream Day
Thursday: Pyjama Day
Friday: Electronics Day

Inquiry into Language

Today in language we started our new novel study. The book we are reading this term is Hatchet. Students will read the allotted chapters and complete a new role each week. This term we are introducing two new roles: the connector and the discussion moderator. We will work on spelling lesson #24 tomorrow. Since it is a review week for spelling there will be no spelling test this week and lesson #24 will be due Friday.

Week 1: Chapters 1-3 due March 29th
Week 2: Chapters 4-6 due April 5
Week 3: Chapters 7-9 due April 12
Week 4: Chapters 10-12 due April 18
Week 5 Chapters 13-15 due April 26

Inquiry into Mathematics

Today in math we reviewed lessons 1-3: equivalent fractions, comparing and ordering mixed number fractions, and relating mixed number fractions and improper fractions. Then students worked on a mini review package on lessons 1-3. If it was not completed in class, it is for homework due tomorrow.

Points to remember:

An improper fraction is when the numerator is a bigger number then the denominator. A mixed number is when there is a whole number plus a fraction.

To convert an improper fraction to a mixed number, we divide the numerator by the denominator, subtract, and then the remainder becomes our new numerator. For example, 5/13 - 5 goes into 13 2 times, which is 10 - 13 subtract 10 is 3. Therefore, my mixed number is 2 and 3/5.

To convert a mixed number into an improper fraction we multiply the whole number by the denominator and add the product to the numerator. For example, 2 and 3/4 - 2 x 4 = 8 +3 = 11. Therefore, the improper fraction is 11/4.

Equivalent fractions name the same amount. 

To find an equivalent fraction with a greater numerator and denominator, multiply the numerator and denominator by the same number. For example, 5/12 = 10/24 (2 x 5 and 2 x 12) and 25/60 (5 x 5 and 5 x 12). 

To find equivalent fractions with a lesser numerator and denominator, divide the numerator and denominator by the same number. For example, 24/60 = 4/10 (24/6 and 60/6). When we find an equivalent fraction by dividing, you simplify the fraction. 24/60 = 4/10 = 2/5 (4/2 and 10/2). This is the simplest form as the only factor into both 2 and 5 is 1.

Unit of Inquiry 

Today in UOI we filled in the 'L' for our KWL chart for our Government Unit. Then we began our new unit: Biodiversity. First we created a KWL chart and had a discussion about what biodiversity is. Then students started to work on their title pages. If they were not completed in class, title pages are for homework due tomorrow.

Creating Title Pages


- Biodiversity title pages due tomorrow
- Math package due tomorrow
- Spelling lesson #24 due Friday
- Spring Fundraiser form due Thursday
- Legislative Trip on Wednesday
- Casual day Thursday
- Rock climbing form/waiver due Friday

Important Dates/Items:
Wednesday, March 27- Trip to the Ontario Legislative Assembly
Thursday, March 28- Casual day
Friday, March 29- Report cards go home

Have a great night!


Ms. Cass

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