Thursday, February 13, 2020

Good Afternoon Everyone,

I hope you had a wonderful day! Tuesday is day 5 (Gym and Music). Please come to school dressed in your gym clothes and bring your gym shoes. There is NO school on Friday or Monday!

This month our class is responsible for hosting the bake sale along with Ms. Bannon's class. On Tuesday, February 25th and 26th we ask students to bring in some delicious treats! A kind reminder all items brought in for the bake sale must be peanut and tree nut free!! If it does not say 'peanut and tree nut free' on the label unfortunately we will not be able to sell it and the item will be sent home. 

For our next art project we are looking for any paper towel or toiler paper rolls. Please bring them in before Wednesday, February 19th.

**Please do NOT order hot lunch for the following days: March 4th as that is the day we are going skiing and March 25th as we are planning a field trip. You will not be reimbursed nor will the lunch be saved. 
March Lunches 
The lunch site is now open
It will close Wednesday, February 26th at 3:00pm sharp

Special of the month: French Toast with Whipped Cream and Syrup

All payments are to be made through quickbooks by March 6th.

A note regarding re-registration packages:
Hello SJA Families!

The Re-registration Deadline is fast approaching (February 18 by 4pm), and we want to ensure that your child’s registration is complete when returned, to avoid having to send home for missing information. Some common things that are missed:
·         Signatures on application form
·         Health card number
·         Emergency contact info (other than parent/guardian)
·         3 sets of initials on the tuition fee schedule (one for payment plan, and two at the bottom)
·         Completed payment methods form (parent name(s), student name(s), banking info (or void cheque), selecting business or personal use, and signature

Please ensure that you are returning:
·         Signed application form (indicate any changes to information)
·         Signed re-registration agreement
·         Completed and signed health history form
·         Completed and signed photo permission form
·         Completed and signed payment methods form
·         Initialed tuition fee schedule with payment plan selection
·         Bussing form (if applicable)

While we will do the best to accommodate existing families, after this deadline we will be accepting new families from our growing waitlist. Don’t be disappointed, hand in your completed re-registration package prior to the deadline.  Please note that the school will be closed Friday (for PD)  and Monday (Family Day).

Please contact our admissions team if you have any questions,

St. Jude’s Academy Admissions Team
Ann Harvey & Melissa Filion

March Break Camps
Forms have been sent home regarding SJA’s awesome Adventure Camp. The wonderful camp will run from Monday to Friday both weeks of the March Break (March 9-13 & March 16-20) and is offered to student from JK to Grade 6. Field trips will take place on Thursday afternoons. Meal plans are also included if you chose to do so. Cash or QuickBooks payments only please. Don’t delay; register today!

Our next extra-curricular activity is skiing/snowboarding at Glen Eden Ski Resort. The dates of the trip are February 19 and March 4. Please do not order lunch for these days; it will not be saved nor will a reimbursement be given. We will be leaving at 7:00 AM and returning by 4:00 PM at the latest. All rentals are included, however students are more than welcome to bring their own. Please do not order hot lunch for these days as we will be eating lunch at the ski hill – students are welcome to bring money to purchase food and drink items. Students must ensure they are dressed in appropriate ski gear; warm socks, long johns with comfy clothes, snow pants, warm mitts, a face protector (if possible) and a ski jacket. Please note that if students chose skiing, they will ski all three times. If students pick snowboarding, they will snowboard all three times. All students will have to pass each level before they are granted permission to ski on the big hill, no matter what their experience. 

Inquiry into Language
Today students wrote spelling test #20 and we had our literature circle meetings. 

Inquiry into Mathematics
Today we explored triangles and parallelograms. Similar to yesterday we learned how to find the area of a triangle within a parallelogram by following the formula: Area= (base x height) / 2.

1. To find the perimeter of a polygon: Add all of the sides lengths together
2. To find the perimeter of a parallelogram: follow the formula (l+w) x 2
3. To find the perimeter of a square: Follow the formula l x w

Perimeter of a Polygon

P= 5 + 3 + 8 + 2 + 3 + 1 
P= 22cm

Perimeter of a Parallelogram

Formula: (l + w ) x 2
P= (5 + 4 ) x 2
P= 9 x 2
P= 18cm

Perimeter of a Square

Multiply the side length you know (5) by how many total sides there is in a square (4)
P = 5 x 4
P = 20cm

Finding the area and perimeter of a rectangle
P = (l + w) x 2
A = l x w

To find the area of a parallelogram you must follow the formula: base x height. The base is any side of the parallelogram and the height is the length of the line segment that joins parallel sides and is perpendicular to the base. 

Unit of Inquiry
Today we learned about what an election is, who has the right to vote, what a majority and minority government is, the history of voting in Canada and the Canadian charter of rights and freedom. 

- MMS pg. 140-142 due Tuesday
- Spelling test signed and corrections x 5 due Tuesday 
- Read chapters 10-12 due Tuesday 
- Re-registration due Feb 18

Important dates/items:
February 13 - 100th Day of School 
February 13 - Spirit Day: Valentine's Day Dress Up
February 14 - PD Day, IB Training (No School for Students)
February 17 - No school 
February 19 - Second ski to Glen Eden

Have a great Family Day weekend!

Ms. Cass

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